Quake Global is helping both Hospitals and Senior Living meet COVID-19 challenges with contagion and tracing.
San Diego, CA, California — Quake Global, Inc.
Quake Global Acquires Skynet Healthcare Technologies.
San Diego, CA-October 1st, 2019-Quake Global, Inc., the market leader in IoT automation and process optimization has expanded its market reach through the acquisition of Skynet Healthcare Technologies Inc.
Quake Global launches global LTE as the latest innovation for our best-selling products, QPRO™ and Q4000™
San Diego, CA- September 17, 2019- Quake Global, Inc. is excited to announce the availability of global LTE in our best-selling products, QPRO™, and Q4000™
Quake Global Launches Mobile Hand-Held RFID Reader, The QIAM ™ App now available in the App Store ®
San Diego, CA – April 17th, 2019- Quake Global, Inc., is pleased to announce the availability of a Mobile Hand-Held RFID Reader Solution with the release of the iOS Application for QIAM ™