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The power of global asset intelligence

Quake Global is the leading provider of hardware and software products and solutions for the internet of Things (IoT) market. No matter what industry you're in, Quake allows you to access real-time data that can help you improve efficiency,
Global Product Suite
  • Satellite
  • Cellular
  • RFID
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Stay in touch with your assets.

Quake's connected solutions start at room level visibility using asset tracking in hospitals all the way to mining sites using global remote visibility technologies like GPS, Satellite and cellular connectivity. Real time data analytics enables our customers to drive decisions that increase productivity, reduce costs and deliver ROI.


Monitor and optimize assets
Workflow optimization using passive RFID
Remote visibility for optimized operational processes
Maximize efficiency with real time data and analytics
Faster ROI with instant visibility on anything managing your business


Improve clinical workflows in healthcare and increase throughput and revenue without adding resources using powerful analytics data powered by real time location.


Optimize your operations with accurate location and timely diagnostics with Quake telematics. Visibility to utilization history, preventive maintenance and enhanced security reduces downtime, drives down costs and increases productivity.


Quake’s accurate logistics tracking system with analytics puts the power of visibility in your hands. Used for vehicles, aircraft, vessels and their assets, Quake logistics gives teams the business intelligence tools they need to avoid delivery delays, reduce operating costs, increase efficiency, and optimize supply chain management.


Remote Fleet tracking allows you to monitor your connected vehicles from any point in the world— on land, at sea, or in the skies. Quake’s accurate logistics tracking system with telematics diagnostics, enhanced security and data analytics creates actionable data that enables your business to keep driving ahead of the competition.

Quake Technology In Action

Quake's customers can choose from powerful out-of-the-box capabilities, custom solutions, or fully integrated systems

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